Level 1

For students who want to start at the very beginning or for those who took some Spanish in high school or college but have not practice speaking it and have forgotten most of it.

Level 2

For students who have studied Spanish before, even if it's been a while. At the start of Level 2, you should already be able to use the verbs Ser and Estar and to describe people in Spanish with a basic vocabulary.
Level 3
Level 3 is for those who are starting to feel comfortable speaking in the present tense, specially using regular verbs
Level 4
Level 4 students are fairly comfortable putting together sentences in the present using irregular verbs, direct pronouns and indirect pronouns

Level 5
Students are able to speak using many common verbs in the present tense, and regular verbs in the past tense.
Level 6
You can conjugate many common verbs in the present tense, the main past tenses, and the future tense.

Level 7
Students are able to speak in the present tense, the past tenses, the future and the conditional tense. They are also getting familiar with the subjunctive in the present tense.

Level 8
In this level students will learn when and how to use the different tenses of the subjunctive. Listening comprehension exercises are also emphasized in class in order for the students to become comfortable talking with native Spanish speakers

Advanced Level
Advanced students are comfortable speaking Spanish, even if they are still making mistakes. Small grammar reviews based on the group's weaknesses are part of the course. Group conversation topics might cover: food and restaurants;current events; movies, music and art, traveling; Spanish literature.....

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